
(2024). Units in Blocks of Defect 1 and the Zassenhaus Conjecture. Rev. Mat. Complut., to appear.
(2023). A counterexample to a conjecture on Cartan determinants of monoid algebras. note (not intended for publication).
(2022). Arbitrarily large Morita Frobenius numbers. Algebra & Number Theory, Vol. 16, No. 8, 1889–1904.
(2022). Bijections of silting complexes and derived Picard groups. J. London Math. Soc., 106: 1008-1060.
(2021). On the geometry of lattices and finiteness of Picard groups. J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle’s journal) 782, 219–233.
(2020). The Picard group of an order and Külshammer reduction. Algebr. Represent. Th. 24, pages 505–518.
(2019). On solvability of the first Hochschild cohomology of a finite-dimensional algebra. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373, 7607-7638.
(2019). Donovan's conjecture, blocks with abelian defect groups and discrete valuation rings. Math Z., Vol. 295, Pages 249–264.
(2018). A Counterexample to the First Zassenhaus Conjecture. Adv. Math., Vol. 339, Pages 599-641.